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Drumahoe Primary School, Drumahoe, Londonderry

News - Homepage

27th Jun 2024
James & Gillian Thompson kindly potted Tomato plants and donated them to our...
24th Jun 2024
On Thursday 20th June, Miss Thompson and 3 Members of our Eco Committee travelled...
20th May 2024
Check out these superstars! 
15th May 2024
P5/6T had the pleasure of interviewing James Thompson this afternoon as part of our...
14th May 2024
Drumahoe Primary School is absolutely thrilled to be awarded their first ever 'Eco-Schools...
18th Apr 2024
Our Primary 6 Salmon Ambassadors had a fantastic time visiting the River Faughan...
22nd Mar 2024
Primary 6 are delighted to be selected by the Loughs Agency to participate in the...
14th Mar 2024
To end our Vikings topic, P5/6 carried out an experiment to see which material would...
12th Mar 2024
We are delighted to see so many of our school children taking part in our 'Walking...
11th Mar 2024
Our Eco Committee working hard litter picking this afternoon down at Drumahoe District...