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Drumahoe Primary School, Drumahoe, Londonderry


17th Sep 2024
Today in PE the children had to work collaboratively with each other to build a Hula...
17th Sep 2024
We used our pizza to represent parts of a whole. Well done, Kayden! 
17th Sep 2024
What a fun way to enhance problem solving! Ayda made connections and found patterns,...
13th Sep 2024
Everyone in P6T were delighted to meet Chloe & Judith today. The girls were bombarded...
13th Sep 2024
We are so grateful that Judith and Chloe gave up their time to come in and answer...
13th Sep 2024
Today the Tandem twins visited us in Drumahoe. They told us about their time in Paris...
13th Sep 2024
Today Chloe and Judith McCombe came to visit and share their experiences from the...
13th Sep 2024
13th Sep 2024
We were visited today by our most famous past pupils, the Tandem twins. Judith and...
11th Sep 2024
Miss Thompson is delighted to introduce our newest Eco Committee Members who are...